The Irrigation Service Center (ISC) is a non-profit association with 2 objectives:
- To develop and implement professional services adapted to the particular needs of FWUC and FO.
- To strengthen links between concerned institutions, donors, professionals and farmer organizations involved in the water sector.
To ensure that the organization follows its objectives and values, the ISC has three levels of governance:
- The General Assembly
- The Management Board
- The orperational team
The General Assembly is composed of 5 different categories of members:
- The individual ISC employees (since over 3 months)
- The individual external experts
- The FWUC and other farmer organizations
- The FWUC and FO federations and networks
- The organizations involved in the domain of ISC
Each category of member is represented in the Management Board by one representative.
The present ISC management board is:
- President: Mr Khim Sophanna (CEDAC representative)
- Vice-president: Mr Tang Sophat (individual expert)
- Treasurer: Mr. Nhem Sopheap (FWN representative)
- Member: Ms. Kan Sok Kanhnha (Staff representative)
- Member: Ms. Rom Saroeun (FWUC representative)
- Director and secretary: Mr. Seng Sophak
The director is managing a team of 12 staff.

Moreover, in 2012, the ISC will set two committees:
- An advisory committee including partners, donors, irrigation experts, goverment representatives
- A Customer Forum including all ISC customers and the FWN
in order to advise the ISC strategy and ensure the quality of services provided.