ASIrri - Cambodia
Irrigation Service Center (ISC) - Building the future of FWUCs
Sdao Kong (SDK)

Sdao Kong scheme:
- Prey Veng province
- Ba Phnom and Kompong Trabaek districts
- Originally built during Pol Pot regime
- Rehabilitated by MOWRAM with French Embassy funding
- Pumping station with Iary and IIary distribution canals
- FWUC creation in 2004 with CEDAC support
- Irrigated area: 265 ha
- Number of farmers: 215 families
- Two seasons fo cultivation per year: [November-March] & [March-August]
- ISF = 300,000 riels/ha/season (180,000 riels if suppl. pumping)
The collaboration with ISC started in May 2010 when the FWUC was nearly bankrupt. ISC wrote a request to MOWRAM and AFD for a functioning subsidy. Since then several contracts have been signed and in general ISC ensures the FWUC accounting follow-up.
En savoir plus
- Contract 1: Financial management training and accounting follow-up for season 10
- Contract 2: Accounting follow-up for season 11
- Contract 3: Database review and update, ISC collection procedures and follow-up for season 11
The ASIrri project funded the pumping station complete maintenance in 2011 and provided a technical training for pump operation.
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